Move with freedom and confidence.

Therapy At Your Door is among the leading providers of therapeutic care in Michigan. Offering services to patients with various conditions, our physical therapy program addresses key points of concern in a patient’s physical function. Through in-depth assessments and clinically sound approaches, we help you get back to your daily routines in the comfort of home.

Physical therapy involves:

  • Assessing fall risks and implementing prevention strategies, like balance and coordination exercises
  • Evaluating home safety and making modifications for ease of daily activities and security
  • Maintaining and improving ADL performance and functional mobility by implementing an OTAGO program that focuses on strength, flexibility, and endurance
  • Gait training on multi-level surfaces, including stairs with and without assistive device
  • Energy conservation techniques through pacing and breathing exercises
  • Durable medical equipment assessment, particularly wheelchair evaluation, ramp evaluation, and safe and appropriate use of adaptive equipment like rolling walkers, canes, and four-wheeled walkers

Get in Touch Today

Phone number: 734-215-5784

Fax number: 734-864-4038
